Immunetrics is, at its core, a modeling company. Our focus is on building computational models that represent the complex dynamics within biological systems, primarily the human immune system. Our models represent the complex interactions within the human immune system via a comprehensive approach that generates actionable results for our customers. Immunetrics has a proven track record of providing value and insight at every stage of drug development, from concept to the design of large scale clinical trials.

QSP Modeling & Consulting Services

At Immunetrics, our consulting services team includes a cross disciplinary group of experts in physiology, molecular biology, immunology, computational biology, machine learning, and software engineering in a highly collaborative environment. We provide the expertise and experience to build functional models to inform our clients in their decision making process.

We build mechanistic, biological models for uses in research, critical care medicine, and clinical trials. Our models are built in a modular fashion, with each component capable of being integrated into stand alone in vitro experiments for training and testing. We then integrate these modules into more complex systems to represent tissue, organs, organ systems, and then an entire patient.

Biologically rigorous pathways and data are used to construct and constrain the models. Models are trained to reproduce outputs, including experimental results and therapeutically-relevant clinical trials. In the cases of human studies, we generate diverse virtual patient populations to test novel therapies. For experimental cases, we provide biological mechanisms and can test hypotheses.

Our models are used in consulting projects with clients across academia and pharma. Overall, our models are constructed to produce actionable and accurate biological predictions.

We work collaboratively with our clients to develop models that address their specific need. We also can provide our existing models for licensing.

Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) Modeling Platform Licensing

At the outset, we realized that the technology to solve large, complicated systems in a reasonable amount of time did not exist. The tools that existed in the market either required the user to write there own utilities for parameter estimation and system analysis, were solely geared to a mathematical perspective, or were just too cumbersome and slow when dealing with large models, so we built our own:

Creative Modelers + Talented Software Engineers = Thales Modeling Platform

As a modeling company, we understand how modelers think and how they want to work. Our platform was built in collaboration with modelers to make their workflow easier and more productive.

Interested in our platform for your modeling projects? Thales is available for licensing as Software as a Service (SaaS).

Our mission is to improve healthcare through in silico technology

  • We are not afraid to learn and innovate new methodologies and technologies
  • We are not limited to mechanistic modeling and are well versed in statistical and machine learning methods
  • For each unique set of data and problems, we first assess and determine the most appropriate modeling approach
  • We think outside the box and come up with hybrid solutions